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Ciberseguridad eficiente con el marco SANS Institute - February Newsletter - Efficient cybersecurity with SANS

Efficient cybersecurity with the SANS Institute framework

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, efficient cybersecurity with the SANS Institute framework is essential to safeguard the integrity of organizations. In this context, the framework proposed by the SANS Institute stands as a guiding light, providing a structured and effective approach to preparedness and response to security incidents. Through six key steps, this framework not only seeks to strengthen defenses, but also optimize response capacity in an increasingly complex and changing environment.


The SANS Institute Framework Covers the Following Crucial Stages:



Educating staff about incidents, establishing roles and responsibilities, and maintaining an up-to-date response plan are essential. Conducting regular training, drills, and implementing appropriate technologies are critical steps in creating a strong defense.


Early detection is key. From internal monitoring to security alerts and external detection, balance in security settings is vital to avoid alert fatigue.


Minimizing short- and long-term damage requires quick and effective actions. Documenting indicators of compromise and prioritizing containment on critical devices are crucial steps.

Investigation (Additional Phase):

Gathering relevant data is integral to the response. The in-depth investigation helps to understand how the incident occurred, facilitating continuous improvement of the process.


Ensuring complete removal of the threat involves cleaning, restoring, and reimaging. Ensuring complete eradication is vital to avoid future risks.


Returning to normal operation involves checking for the absence of remaining indicators of compromise, addressing underlying causes, and learning from the experience. Implementing fixes and strengthening defenses are crucial final steps.


Learned lessons:

Documenting the incident, reflecting on detection and containment time, evaluating the effectiveness of tools and staff training, and continually updating the incident response plan are essential practices.


Four Additional Tips:

Maximizing data logging, simulating attacks, training both end users and the security team, and considering a specialized external incident response team are additional tips that strengthen threat resilience.



The SANS Institute framework offers a holistic and structured approach to efficient cybersecurity, guiding organizations through six crucial steps. From preparation to recovery, each stage is designed to strengthen security and optimize responsiveness in an ever-evolving digital environment. Lessons learned and additional advice complement this approach, providing organizations with the tools necessary to confront and overcome contemporary cyber challenges.