

protección de datos - data protection

A step forward in data protection!

In today's digital age, data protection has become an issue of great importance. Every day, we generate and share an immense amount of personal information online, making us vulnerable to privacy breaches. However, we are taking a step forward in data protection, and…

Detección de Malware - Malware Detection - Boletin de Abril - April Newsletter

Malware Detection in Backup Systems

In today's digital world, information security is of utmost importance. One of the most critical aspects of this security is the malware detection on backup systems. Here, we will explore why it is so crucial.   What is Malware? Malware, or malicious software,…

Defensa Efectiva Contra el Ransomware - Effective Ransomware Defense

Effective Ransomware Defense

Effective Ransomware Defense is more than a slogan; It is a prevailing need in a world where this threat persists as a constant shadow for organizations of all sizes and sectors. Two-thirds of businesses were victims of ransomware attacks in 2023, underscoring the…

Resiliencia ante la Amenaza Cibernética - Resilience to the Cyber Threat

Resilience to the Cyber Threat

Resilience to the cyber threat has become more crucial than ever as we witness an alarming rise in digital attacks. As the well-known saying goes: “It's not the attack that will kill your business, but how you respond.”   Anticipating and Adapting to…

contra el ransomware - against ransomware

What should companies do against ransomware?

In late October, the White House convened an unprecedented global coalition: the International against ransomware. With the participation of 48 countries, Interpol and the European Union, this initiative seeks to strengthen international politics, disrupt cyber operations and use diplomacy to combat ransomware. In…